I am very excited to say that ALL classes apart from the 3-4yrs and 4-5yrs lessons will be returning to face-to-face this week! Classes will be held at the Riverview function centre and not the PCYC. The location may change back to the PCYC in a few weeks time but appropriate notice will be given if this change occurs. The timetable will return back to normal as seen in the attachment below. At this stage, the 3-4yrs and 4-5yrs lessons will remain as pre-recorded lessons online with today’s 4-5yrs lessons already available to watch. It would be near impossible for me to make sure that these younger students would adhere to the 1.5m physical distance rule and therefore I am hesitant to return these classes to normal.
For students that have been doing the online lessons for all their classes, your invoices covered 10 weeks of lessons so you can continue your lessons as normal. For those students who were not able to complete the online lessons please contact me directly about returning to class so I can send you through an invoice for the remaining weeks in this term and your students can return to class this week.

When returning to dance the following policies will now be in place to ensure the health and safety of all students. These principles are summarised from the Ausdance, Return to dance - Principles and Framework for Restarting Dance Activities Post-Covid-19 document. As an Ausdance member, I want to ensure that these policies are met to the best of our abilities.
A maximum of 20 participants in classes.
Minimal sharing of equipment such as ballet barres which will be cleaned in-between each class.
Contact between participants will be minimised and only be permitted if absolutely required in the circumstances.
“Get in, dance, Get out” policy. Students are to arrive for class dressed and ready to dance (where possible)and are to avoid socialising before and after class. Students are to eat off site where possible, unless medically required for students. Parents are to drop students off and go. Parents are to please contact me via email or phone if you have any questions.
Where possible students are to maintain a physical distance of 1.5m.
Students will be required to wash their hands both before and after class. Alcohol-based hand Sanitiser will be available at the entry/exit points to the studio and be easily accessible to students during activities.
Individuals should not return to dance activities in any capacity if in the last 14 days they have been unwell or had contact with a known or suspected case of COVID-19.
Any individual with respiratory symptoms (even if mild) should be considered a potential case and must immediately self-isolate, have COVID-19 excluded and be medically cleared by a doctor to return to the training environment.
I am so excited to see you all again and I hope that we can make this work to be able to continue classes. I have missed seeing you all in person so much and I feel incredibly motivated to work harder than ever to make the rest of this year great!
