We finally have a light at the end of the tunnel and can see a way back to dance classes in the near future. This plan is not set in stone and is likely to change depending if the easing of restrictions goes ahead as planned by the State Government. I aim to keep everyone informed of any changes to this plan as they happen.

All normal classes will recommence on the week of the 14th of June (Week 9).
Classes will be held at the PCYC
Timetabling will revert back to normal (see diagram below for class times)
All students will be required to wash their hands both before and after class.
If any student is unwell, they should NOT be attending class.
There will be a strict drop-off and go policy for all parents & caregivers. This ensures that people are not congregating in PCYC foyer area.
For all RAD ballet students who would like to take part in a RAD ballet examination please contact me to discuss the different options about how the exams will work this year.
No student viewing in Week 10 of classes (22nd -26th June) to adhere to social distancing within the studio space.
An email about costumes will be sent out during Week 10 at the latest with pictures of the costumes and the costs. All students will be doing at least 2 dances this year (except 3-4yrs students) and will require 2 costumes maximum. I will be trialling a different Australian costume company this year in the hope of keeping the costs as low as I can for parents during this time. All costumes fees will be included in the Term 3 invoice. All students are to be sized for costumes over the June/July holidays, a form will be emailed out to parents about how to do this correctly.
If you have any questions about this plan, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I am more than happy to help in any way I can. The sooner we can all get back to classes as normal the better. Many thanks, Lillian Strack, Miss Lilly