Concert week starts this Sunday!!! This year due to Covid-19 there will be some strict rules throughout the week of rehearsals and the concert day to ensure that we can all be safe and adhere to our Covid Safe Plans. If any student, parent or volunteer is seen to be breaking any of these policies they will be asked to leave the cultural centre. We are extremely lucky that this years concert can go ahead at all so I want to make sure that nothing can take this opportunity away from us. Our dance concert and the rehearsals will be operating under the following 3 covid safe plans.
COVID Safe Event Checklist for Events up to 500 people.
Queensland’s Live Performance Venues/ Theatre industry COVID Safe Plan
Dance and Physical Performing Arts Industry COVID Safe Plan
A copy of the COVID Safe Industry Plans may be found at If you have any questions at all about our COVID Safe plans I will also have a hard copy available for anyone to look through during the concert week. A reminder to please not attend if you are unwell, have COVID-19 symptoms, have been overseas in the last 14days, or have been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case.

Here are a few important things to take note of in regards to next weeks rehearsals and the shows so that we can successfully adhere to the restraints of our Covid Safe plans and keep everyone safe at dance.
All students and volunteers are to enter via the backstage door and sign in for all rehearsals and both shows.
All students and volunteers must also leave via the backstage door and sign out for all rehearsals and both shows. This ensures that performers and guests do not share areas.
When students and volunteers arrive you are to go straight to your designated area. There will be a list of names and a map on the back stage door directing everyone where to go. The dressing room areas have been allocated to best allow for social distancing and adhering to the 1 person per 2square meters rule.
Please note the staggered arrival and departure times for the rehearsals and the show.
Unless you are a listed volunteer, Parents and caregivers are strictly not allowed in the backstage area. Same as your normal dance classes we will be following a Stop, Drop and Go policy. Volunteers will be at the back stage door to help show the students where to go.
Students to bring a water bottle, food, hair and makeup stuff and something to keep them entertained to all rehearsals and the show. Note that food can not be shared between students.
Between shows students can leave all their costumes and belongings in their dressing areas as the facility will be locked. Students will have to take all their belongings with them between the rehearsals throughout the week as the facility is being used by other bookings.
If you are a volunteer in one of the student dressing room area could I please ask that you complete this short Covid-19 Infection Control Training. The course will only take 5mins of your time and is completely free.
At the end of each rehearsal could I please ask the volunteers to wipe down any frequently touched areas. Sanitisers and any cleaning supplies you might need will be provided in each dressing room area.
Below I have attached a few documents that have been handed out throughout the last few months in regards to the concert.
Attached is:
Costume Details - this includes information about hair, makeup and costumes for each of the dances.
Dance Concert Rehearsal schedule - This has all your information about next weeks rehearsals and when to be there.
Helpers Roster - Thank-you to everyone that has offered to help. The helper's roster is now full.
Concert Run Order - This has been updated since it was first handed out. A copy of this will be in all of the dressing rooms next week.
This is going to be a massive week for everyone involved so I would love if we can all work together to ensure the best outcomes for our students and all the hard work they have put in this week. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or give me a call.